look your best.beautiful websites that accommodate everyone.
security is king.an actively monitored, zero-tolerance network.
bigtime service.from a dev whose fanatical about taking care of his clients.

website design in portland, oregon

Since 1999, Portland area based NWLYNX has been designing custom web sites for small businesses in every industry you can imagine. My name is Joel Detter and at NWLYNX, custom means custom. You won't find a WordPress template here. Every website is custom-built from the ground up, as unique as the company it represents, a truly one-of-a-kind experience.

My mobile-first, responsive web site design approach ensures your new site will accommodate everyone on any device, be speedy to load, HTML5-validated, search engine optimized, and free of bloated, unauthorized & insecure code. Plus, you're going to love the trademark service program that put NWLYNX on the map. Get treated right today with a custom website design by a developer who's absolutely fanatical about taking care of his clients.
security is not a buzzword.
Today's emerging technologies mean cybercriminals more than ever are evolving - developing new threats with increased attack vectors & surface. Just how serious do we take cybersecurity? The NWLYNX private network provides my customers a closed-door, gated-community where thorough security policies and practices protect their sites and data at every turn. I put my customers first by putting security first.

Software firewalls and encrypted portals aren't enough. Security policies are enforced at every level of development and post-launch including data, encryption, staging environments, client & server-side communication, critical software, configuration lockdowns, open-port policies, backup systems, and multi-point / credentialed authentication. Check out why and how I take security so seriously. Information = power. Learn about Zero-Trust Frameworks and the top 10 website security threats, what they are, how they work, and steps that can be taken to mitigate them.
SEO in portland, oregon
Keeping up with Google and other search engines is something I take pride in doing. On-site search engine optimization is a process started at the beginning of each project. Most of my customers enjoy page one-through-three ranks due to a careful and thorough SEO pre-processes and on-site SEO preparations. I ask the right questions, identify first key phrases my customers want to be found on and code accordingly.

I also identify and adapt quickly to new and upcoming changes to Google's SEO practices and guidelines, helping me to further refine SEO post-launch. NWLYNX also assists its customers with off-site engine optimization tactics such as social and 3rd party site advice & recommendations as well as other fundamental off-site SEO concepts like backlinking and content-building.